Mission Impossible

You know those girls, the ones that have it all together all the time?  Hair done, mani and pedi'ed non-pajama wearing; perfect cookie bake sale cooking; clean car driving at drop off? Yeah, well I'm not one of them..not even close.  I hate them, but classically (as in high school) because I secretly want to be them.  I admit it.  I am a neat freak wanna-be.  I try really hard too.  Probably too hard (geek for sure,) but to me there are few things more calming then walking into a neat, organized space.  And the lack thereof is probably why I am pretty much always stressed out!  Even so, I won't give up.  At least at this stage in the game, I've come to terms with the fact that organization will not come natural to me. It will always feel like work, and I will always want to be doing one million other things than what I have to do to keep myself sane (or at least passable in everyday society, LOL.)  So on with the show.... one of the things that I have picked up along the way, and which I am pretty sure is like a proton or an electron in the neatness atom (and is also something your grandmother told you a time or two) is having "a place for everything and everything in it's place."  Now it sounds pretty simple, but of course if you ever really thought about it, you know the ugly truth of the complexity that lies behind that statement.  It means being real about your "everything" and I mean everything and finding it a place.  Not simple, and matter of fact, just when you think you might be getting a handle on, and a holder for your things, things change.  That being said, here are a couple of my things, and the places I have made for them (for now.)

This was made from an old magnetic dry erase board, this one in fact:

All I did was cover it with some old material, stapled it to the back, picked up several sets of those magnetic hooks ($1.97 a set at Walmart) put the spools of thread onto some dowels and placed them on the magnets.  Super simple and kinda looks like artwork? 

Next, since I was all about my sewing crap, I took a basket and simply rolled up all of my material and tied them (mostly with yarn) and created something that if you squint your eyes, sorta maybe looks like a bouquet?

Who knows, if I keep trying, maybe someday I will be one of "them."

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